Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

The War

hey guys, after the monnsters in the sea were explained. Now, I want to show you about the war in Greece Mythology, maybe its only the short stories. check it out :D

1. Trojan War
The Trojan War is one of the greatest war that ever happened in the history of ancient Greece. In the war, the Nation Akhaia (Greece) to attack the city of Troy. The ruins of Troy itself now been found in Asia Minor (Turkey). The great war who spent a lot of human sacrifice was triggered by the act of the gods.
All the gods and important people were invited to Peleus and Thetis wedding (parents Akhilles). Only the goddess Eris (goddess of discord) is not invited. Eris angry god and threw an apple into the midst of the feast, the apple beruliskan kallistei ("for the fairest"). Afrodit, Hera, and Athena claim to be the owner of the apple and the most beautiful goddess.

The third goddess Zeus came to determining who is entitled to have the golden apple. Zeus did not want to favor anyone and told them to ask for a decision in Paris. Hera tried to bribe Paris with wealth, Athena promised to make Paris victorious generals and famous, while Afrodit offers the world's most beautiful woman (Helene). Paris finally chose Helene and thus choose Afrodit as the most beautiful goddess.
Helene has actually become wife of Menelaos, king of Sparta, but Eros, the god of love child Afrodit, archery arrow of love with Helene Helene finally fell in love with Paris. and willing to taken away to Troy. Husband of Helene, Menelaos, was furious. Supported by his brother, King Agamemnon Mikenai and other Greek kings, Menelaos attacking the city of Troy.
The Trojan War lasted ten years. Many heroes are involved in this war, among which are Akhilles, Odisseus, Aias and Diomedes from the Greeks, and Hektor and Paris from the Trojan War. After struggling for years and yet it could also break down the stronghold of Troy, the Greeks began to frustration. But then Odisseus sparked a brilliant idea. The Greeks built a giant wooden horse filled by some soldiers. Greek soldiers then left the horse and then pretended to leave Troy.

Troy saw the Greek army retreated and thought they had surrendered. The giant horse sebaagi mistaken statement of the Greek defeat.
The Trojans brought the horse into their town and celebrate their victory. In the evening, the soldiers who were hiding inside the horse got out and opened the gates of Troy to the Greek army to enter. Greek troops were devastated city of Troy.

After the war, Menelaos succeeded in getting her back while some of the Trojans, led by Aineias, managed to escape.
 2. Centaur War
Pirithos, king of the Lapith, having a wedding and many people were invited including the Kentaur, half-horse half-human creatures. In the party, drank the wine so Kentaur wild side they appear. When the bride comes to greet the guests, Kentaur Eurition jumped and tried to rape her. All other Kentaur Erition directly follow the action and tried to rape the women and children who were there. People Lapith course to strike back at the Kentaur. A battle ensued between the Kentaur against the Lapith. The battle was called Kentauromakhia.

In that battle, helped Theseus Lapith nation. Their noses and ears cut off and tossed Eurition. A soldier named Kaineus Lapith Kentaur succeeded in killing many and was not injured because he was blessed by the god Poseidon immunity. Kentaur a large tree with a trunk on top of her until she fell down the ground.

Lapith nation finally managed to beat the Kentaur and drive them to the northwest, away from Thessalia, residence Lapith nation.

3. Amazon War
The Amazon is a people composed of a tough female soldiers. Herakles the nine task is to take the belt Hippolita, Amazon queen. Hippolita willing to give it voluntarily, but there is chaos in the process-induced Hera to kill Heracles even Hippolita. While friends Herakles, Theseus king of Athens, kidnap Hippolita sister, Antiope, and took him to Athens to be his wife.

To rescue Antiope, to avenge the death Hippolita, and take back the belt Hippolita, the Amazon also attacked the city of Athens, then there Amazonomakhia: a battle between Athena, led by Theseus with the help of Herakles, against the Amazon, led by Orithia. War is also called the War of Attica.

In this war, helping the Amazon Antiope. He fought and was seriously injured to the point of no longer able to defend themselves from Theseus and Heracles. One of the Amazon Antiope named Molpadia eventually kills with arrows so as not to hurt again by Theseus.

At the end of Athenian army repelled the Amazon. Amazon's squad leader, Orithia, Antiope built tomb in Athens. Orithia himself died on the way home from his injuries


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