Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

hey guys, do you like sea? absolutely yes right? did you know, in Greece mythlogy, a sea is the place which full of dangerous because their monsters are too evil. And do you want to see that monsters?

1. Ketos
Ketos is a giant sea monster with sharp teeth. The Nereid often ride this creature to cross the ocean. There are two famous Ketos, which one is Ketos Ethiopa, and another one is Ketos Troy.

Ethiopia is Ketos Poseidon sent a monster to eat Andromeda, because Kassiopia queen, the mother of Andromeda, daughter of beauty menyombongan exceed the daughters of Poseidon. Over audacity that, Poseidon sent Anromeda sacrificed on Ketos. When Andromeda was chained to a rock to be sacrificed, Perseus walked there and stopped to free Adromeda. Then came Ketos. Perseus used Medusa's head and cough Ketos to shreds.

While Troy is Ketos Poseidon sent a monster to terrorize the city of Troy as a punishment for their king, Laomedon, reneged on his promise to reward the Posiedon who had made the walls of Troy. Ketos mngatakan oracles that could only be appeased by the sacrifice of Hesione, daughter of Laomedon. Then Hesione was chained to a rock. But Herakles arrived and fought with Ketos. Herakles killed Ketos by using arrows and Hesione was saved. Ketos immortalized in the sky as the constellation Cetus

2. Kharidibs
Kharibdis sea monster is a son of Poseidon and Gaia. He shape beings whose entire face is the mouth and fins. He swallowed a large amount of water and then vomited again and create a powerful whirlpool. Kharibdis fiercely loyal and often helped his father Poseidon. He originally was a beautiful woman but she turned into a monster by Zeus because it often makes a storm at sea, land and make the seas drown. Kharibdis dwells somewhere near Skilla. Ships through Kharibdis place will be destroyed by water vortex. Skilla Kharibdis and only separated by a narrow path so that if there is a passing ship, the sailors had to choose, be eaten or destroyed Kharibdis Skilla.

Odisseus ship ever destroyed by Kharibdis and only a diving Odisseus

3. Siren
Siren is shaped creature half woman half bird singing to the sailors who passed by. People who hear the song they will be unconscious, some of their ships crashed into rocks and some of it will sink into the sea.

The Siren was originally Persephone servants are women. When Persephone was abducted by Hades, Demeter gave them wings to join search for Persephone. The Siren eventually gave up and went to live on the island Anthemoissa.

On his way, Odisseus must pass by the Sirens. He told his crew separately blocked their ears with wax so as not to hear the Siren song. Odisseus prefer untu tied to the mast and did not want his ears stopped up because he was curious about the song Siren. When at last he heard the melodious voice of the Sirens, he rebelled and ordered his crew to remove the rope that bound him. The crew of course refused. When their ship was far from Siren and Odisseus become more calm, then the bond is released.

The Argonaut has also clashed with the Sirens. The Sirens sang songs to kill the Argonaut. But one of the Argonaut is Orfeus, a great musician. Orfeus and play music more melodious than the song of the Sirens. Upset at losing, the Sirens eventually plunged into the sea.

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