Jumat, 06 April 2012

Let's Back to the Past :D

Huhuhu, hey guys. Do you know about what happened in Greece Mythology whenthe world was created?
let me tell you how hard it is.

The Beginning of Creation of the World

At first, there was just Khaos, a figure that is not shaped and mysterious. From this comes a Erebos Khaos, kegelepan indwelling place of death, and Nix, the goddess of the mysterious night. In addition to the three of them, there was just silence, emptiness, infinity. Then born Eros (love), Gaia (the earth), and Tartaros. It is love that allows the relationship to produce a child.

Erebos sleep with Nix, who later gave birth to Aither (atmosphere) and Hemera (day). It was the first sexual relationship in the world. Nix also by parthenogenesis (without intercourse) gave birth to Moros (wrath), Moirai (destiny), Hipnos (sleep), Thantanos (death), Oneiroi (dream), and Nemesis (revenge). Nix told all her children to get out of the darkness.

Meanwhile, the parthenogenetic birth Uranus (sky), Urea (mountains), and Pontos (sea). Uranus married his mother and become world businessmen. Uranus and Gaia to cover the entire body Together they have sex and then gave birth to three Kiklops, three Hekatonkhire, and twelve Titans. Gaia also gave birth to a relationship with the Pontos and the sea god (Nereus, Forkis, and Thaumas), Euribia sea goddess, and the sea monster Keto. From Tartaros, Typhon bertama gaia to have a child, who was the father of all monsters.


The Kiklops (Arges, Brontes, and Steropes) is a one-eyed giant, while the Hekatonkhire (Briareus, Kottos, and Giges) is handed a giant one hundred and fifty heads. Their size is very large and they are very strong. Because of their terrible appearance, Uranus hated them and sent them back to Tartaros, their mother's womb. Uranus is not aware that these actions will trigger a war between the gods during the next centuries.

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